HDLC Gamefowl
Call - Text - WhatsApp 909-240-4060.
Radio - 20K Kelso
Without a doubt the bloodlines that have put us in the forefront of gamefowl are our Jumper Radio, Brady Radio and 20k Kelso!
Our main Jumper Radio trio was purchased directly from Mr. Johnnie Jumper (RIP) in Mississippi USA.
They are the original red, straight comb, yellow legged. 
Very special albeit not the prettiest of birds, they're medium station with an average weight of 5-5 1/2 lbs.
They are assertive, talkative (ie: radio), intelligent and lethal gamefowl. They will show high or low, pick and choose their angles and their striking ability in unequal.

We have been blessed with this bloodline!
They come mostly light red or lemon hackle, straight comb, yellow leg.
And other than the feathers, they are very similar to our Jumper Radio in everything else. Same mentality, courage, talkers, fighting style, body and weight.
Not much has changed in the 40-50 years of breeding Radios.

20k KELSO (20,000):
This is our own Kelso bloodline. We've had them for many years and without a doubt they're the birds that have given us a name and good reputation.
They are a hybrid of 20k Kelso from Johnnie Jumper (white and yellow leg) and Dink Fair Kelso (white leg). The results are simply some amazing birds!

Our #1 selling bloodline.
* Good station

* High flyers
* Smart and lethal
* Fast, Strong & Powerful
* Beautiful
* White or yellow legged
* Straight or pea comb

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